Name: Madha Javed
Current place of residence: Karachi
Relationship status: Single
City you live in: Karachi
City you are from: Karachi
School of thought: Sunni
Caste/Ethnicity: Urdu Speaking
Status: single
Siblings: Elder sister - pharmacist, married.
Elder brother - bussiness, married.
Younger sister - Fine arts student, single.
Father: Retired
Mother: Housewife
About me: I am Madha Javed.
Lived in karachi all my life. Did my matriculation from Nasra school and intermediate from government college.
Currently, I am working in a bank's head office.
I love to cook when home. Hanging out with friends, watching movies are my areas of interest.
All in all i am a simple girl, belonging to a good, educated, middle class family.
What I am looking for:
Gender: Male
Age range: 29-35
Marital status: Single
Religion: Islam
School of thought/ Sect: Sunni
Education: 4 year graduation/ MBA
City/cities: Karachi
Caste- Urdu Speaking
Nationality: Any
Religious values: Moderate
What I am looking for:
I am looking for an average looking, tall indivivual. Someone who values relations and respects elders.
Someone who has strong background in terms of family, is strong enough to manage the responsibilities that comes with marriage.
I am of an opinion, who would like to give time to my house hold post marriage.
As far as religious values are concerned, i would prefer someone who prays five times and is of moderate views as far as religion is concerned.
I would like to connect families as soon as possible after initial introduction/talks if we are mutually ready to proceed.